Trusted Hotel Room Cleaning Services

Keeping your hotel rooms clean and comfortable is key for happy guests. Our cleaning services aim for the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene. This way, your guests can relax without worries. We offer detailed cleaning for rooms, bathrooms, and common areas. We also handle laundry and linen needs. This all-around approach ensures a clean … Baca Selengkapnya

Air Conditioner and Water Heater Cleaning & Repair Service ✅

✅ Hong Kong Business Registration Company ✅ Enjoy a $400 discount on home air conditioner cleaning starting from the second unit # Separate quotes for offices, restaurants, malls, schools, etc. # One-month leak protection maintenance   The cleaning price includes: ✅ High-pressure water jet cleaning of the air conditioner ✅ Drain pipe inspection ✅ Checking … Baca Selengkapnya

家居水电维修服务 🛠️ 🚪 及时上门服务 ☎️ 免费咨询与报价 💧 漏水维修、更换淋浴屏、洗手盆或门锁 I hope this works for you!

✅️ 拥有二十年经验🥇 价格公道,诚实守信‼️ 工作绝不马虎 🏀‼️ 水电维修 🛠️ 更换淋浴屏及洗手盆 💦 水管漏水 🗨 下水管堵塞,更换隔气装置 🔑 更换门锁 🛠 天花板水泥剥落修复 🏠 铺贴及维修地板瓷砖墙面 💡 安装灯饰 🛠 安装家具 🧹 家居清洁消毒服务 💟 房东出租房翻新/修缮 🏚 局部家居装修 无论大事小事,奇难杂症,豆豆家居维修拯救队都会帮你解决! 欢迎咨询报价与预约 服务范围:香港、九龙、新界、村屋 📞 53166274 服务类型: 停电和电力故障、风扇安装/维修、一般维护及检查、灯具安装/维修、电线重接/插座重新布线、热水器安装/维修,及其他相关服务